Hey! My name is Brent Bemiller and I am a 21 year old pursuing a B.S. Information Systems with a web development concentration at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). I like to explore photography when I can so this is a portfolio of my work. My favorite things to shoot are portraits and events but I am always happy to explore any and all areas of photography. I've had the opportunity to shoot in many different types of environments including weddings, sports/school events, and for the school paper.
I'm currently Treasurer of the UMBC Photo Club which means I get to work closely with photographers of all different backgrounds and explore all aspects of photography. All of these positions have really helped me become the photographer I am today by giving me loads of experience and a great bunch of new friends. Some of my other hobbies include biking, skiing, sailing, hiking, and music. Many of these hobbies feed into my love for photography, giving me plenty of opportunities to express myself in many different areas.